Border Terrier The Cute and Adorable Dog Breed
The Border Terrier is a robust and friendly fellow who was popular over a century ago on the border between Scotland and England. Especially when hunting foxes and otters, dogs of this breed demonstrated their true strengths such as agility and stamina. However, the Border Terrier was not officially registered until 1920 by the British Kennel Club. From 1970 onwards, the small characters managed to convince even German dog lovers. The FCI leads the Border Terrier in group three , section one under standard number ten. Check here for the list of adorable service dog breeds
The outer appearance of the Border Terrier
Males reach a weight of 5.9 to 7.1 kilograms when fully grown, while bitches between 5.1 and 6.4 kilograms are light.
Basically, border terriers are blessed with a long but low body. Generally, the shoulder height is around 32 to 37 centimeters.
Approved colors of this breed are red, wheat, "Grizzle & Tan" and "Blue & Tan". Puppies are born with dark fur and will only reach their lighter color later.
The breed has a compact and wiry body and a comparatively small head with a short snout. The relationship between body and legs is balanced. These dogs carry their pointed tails slightly raised. In addition to the rough fur in the area of the snout, the triangular, slightly drooping ears are also a distinguishing feature.
Special properties
The Border Terrier is considered a curious and intrepid companion who not only appreciates the field, forest and meadows, but also water. Since this breed has a comparatively strong hunting instinct and a strong sense of discovery, a lot of consistent education is required. The border terrier should not be treated too strictly, since these dogs can often be quite sensitive. However, since they are generally equipped with a lot of intelligence and a great willingness to learn, working on good obedience is a lot of fun. Border Terriers are very reluctant to go alone. It is best if they experience many adventures with their people and are always allowed to be there.
The Border Terrier also keeps its cheerful and uncomplicated manner in the family with children and alongside other members of the species. He always meets people and animals in a friendly way and shows hardly any stubbornness and no aggression. This breed also lacks the tendency towards angry or loud behavior that is typical for terriers. However, in order for this pleasant way to show itself in the long term, the great urge of the Border Terrier for movement and brain work must be countered.
Possible areas of application
The Border Terrier has retained its basic suitability for hunting to this day. It is therefore easy to deal with other dogs in a pack. If you do not hunt but like to ride, you will also find a persistent companion in this dog. Apart from this, the Border Terrier proves to be a pleasant family and companion dog who likes to let off steam in dog sports such as dog dancing or agility.
Care and maintenance of the Border Terrier
If you want to keep a border terrier, you should not be fooled by the small size of these dogs. Despite its "space-saving" body, the Border Terrier needs a lot of exercise and workload. This really only works well in a house with (safely fenced) property on which the four-legged friend can live. If a border terrier is to be kept in a smaller apartment, regular and long walks are an essential must.
As far as the education of the Border Terrier is concerned, you should work with a lot of consistency, understanding and perseverance at a young age. This breed is also a lot of fun to attend a dog school. Whether a border terrier will be able to be leashed later when walking is largely influenced by the quality of the upbringing.
It is pleasantly uncomplicated when it comes to grooming the border terrier. The short and rather wiry fur with thick undercoat does not have to be brushed every day. It is sufficient to occasionally spoil the dog with an appropriate brush and have it trimmed about twice a year.